poetry · self-therapy · writing


I am neither lost nor found. Wandering. Wondering. Big things. Little things. My sighs convey neither resentment or contentment, but rather an acceptance, that is creeping into this life I live. No wrong. No right. Not right now that is. Just the moment. An each-day-at-a-time focus. This life just is.


For I feel by The Feathered Sleep

Every so often you stumble upon a post that leaves you staring at your screen wide-mouthed for a while. This is one of them.
I could go on and explain why I love this so much, but I am still drinking in the brilliance of “she who had wind-chimes and wrinkles in her vowels”.


080-francoise-dorleac-theredlistTremulous ghosts must stand in patent shoes around me

for I feel their hands on my shoulders tugging at my seams

I who do not cry

weep openly with sorrow

imagining is often harder than

bearing reality

I think of when he will not stand discontented

staring out at flocking birds

I think of the time I found a starling chick

lying cold on the ground

wondering at the bitter sky

why didn’t you give them a chance?

why did you let me stay instead?


the child who knew the flavor of strawberry milkshakes

was an artifice

lies from adults, how many more?

behind closed doors and screens

I met a poet an old lady who

wrote like she was on fire

when she didn’t write for a time

I knew she had died

again I railed

why take her? why not me?

I stand disillusioned and empty


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